Unit 2: Visualisation Diagrams
Purpose of a visualisation diagram: 1. Plan the layout of a static/still product (posters, magazines, brochure, etc) 2. Show how a finished product will look - can be given to a client and the audience for feedback (see whether the client agrees or not) 3. Created by a graphic designer (mention in question 9) Use of a visualisation diagram To give the client or production team to show what the intended product will look like. 1. CD/DVD/Blu-ray cover 2. Poster e.g film, event, advert 3. Game Scene e.g for games or game menus 4. Comic book page layout 5. Web page/multimedia page layout 6. Magazine cover or advert Content of a visualisation diagram - What can they include based on this example? colours, fonts, size of image (millimetres, centimetres, etc), textures, images, annotations, layout T - Title (Label the text colour, size and font) I - Images - Draw boxes for where some images will go (label the images and justify reasons) T - Text - Add text (label sizes, colour and fonts)...