
Unit 2: Question 10

10) The creation of the promotional video will need the creation of a Script. Evaluate the effectiveness of a Script when planning a promotional video. (20) Point - Identify Evidence - Brief Explain - Reference to question Seven points - four advantages, three disadvantages. Advantages: Gives the team / client an idea of narrative structure, shows dialogue that will be included in the video, includes direction which informs the actors and acts as a reference point for a director, saves time during production because actors and people in the production can learn lines / directions, identifies setting / location, gives an idea of lighting on set, informs mise en scene Disadvantages: The strength of the script depends on the experience of the writer (wooden), lacks detail in visual elements, delivery on the script depends on the strength of the actors, 

Unit 2: Project Management Tools

Starter: The term 'project management' means controlling the process of production, e.g keeping track of deadlines, making sure employees are doing their jobs, etc. The process of leading a team to achieve goals and meet success criteria at a specified time. The types of roles/skills that would be included are communication, time management, organisation, a production schedule, etc. Time Management, communication skills (team), resource allocation, considering health & safety, legal / regulatory / ethical requirements, communicating with the client, planning skills. Tools that can be used to assist project management include, Gannt charts (production phase, tasks assigned, deadlines, etc), Excel, Teams, etc. Project Management Websites / Software allow the Project Manager to: - Set up project parameters - Notify the team via email, text and message forum (live) - Create Gannt charts / production schedules - Schedule meetings - Allocate staff skill specialisms to ...

LO3 - Be able to Plan the Pre-Production of a Media Product

 Key words: Task list -  A series of tasks that need to be completed. Production schedule - Project management tool to ensure the product is completed Deadlines - When a task needs to be completed by Milestones - Checkpoints to be completed against a deadline Contingency - A back up, extra time given to a task Task allocation - When a task is allocted to a person Scheduling - When tasks are put in a specific timeframe Online Planning Tools Using Google, research What is, what is it used for, what is the benefits of using online planning tools? is a online management tool that allows companies and teams to manage tasks, group projects and teamwork. It allows organisations to track what the teams are doing, alongside deadlines and schedules, and it's customisable. Advantages include that it's stored on a database, so it's less likely to be lost than physical management which is bulkier and complicated (and means it can be transferred by conve...

Unit 2 - LO3 Research

  Target Audiences and Research Methods - LO3 Pre-Production - The first stage of Production. E.g Response to Brief, Planning , Research, Creation of Production Documents: Production Schedules, Storyboards, Consideration of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues.  Pre-Production is the first stage of production, which involves planning a product. Production is the action of creating a product, such as using a camera to record raw footage; moving image: shooting on set, call sheets. Print: graphic design, editing. App/Game: coding.  Post-Production is editing and work done on a product after it has been created - it also includes distribution, advertising, social media posts, uploading to platforms (digital distribution), testing and review, present to client/audiences. Audience Type               |               How it could impact               |...

Unit 2 - LO1 Practice Questions

  Tasks 1) Identify one client requirement and explain how this may affect the pre-production process: One of the client requirements is that the app should be able to be 'accessed via tablet and smartphone devices to support school visits.' - The producers will need to make sure that the app works for both types of devices, as phone apps sometimes do not translate affectively onto tablets. 2) Identify and Explain two analytical tools used for analysing a client brief: 3) Identify 2 potential revenue streams that could be explored and explain why they would be suitable: 4) Identify a potential ethical issue and explain how it could impact the production: One potential ethical issue could be that the representation of events and people throughout history, more specifically Tutor England. They could cause offense or cause inaccuracy which could teach the audience (children) incorrectly. Therefore, if this is identified, it could force the producers to recreate aspects of the prod...

Unit 2: Visualisation Diagrams

Purpose of a visualisation diagram:  1. Plan the layout of a static/still product (posters, magazines, brochure, etc) 2. Show how a finished product will look - can be given to a client and the audience for feedback (see whether the client agrees or not) 3. Created by a graphic designer (mention in question 9) Use of a visualisation diagram To give the client or production team to show what the intended product will look like. 1. CD/DVD/Blu-ray cover 2. Poster e.g film, event, advert 3. Game Scene e.g for games or game menus 4. Comic book page layout 5. Web page/multimedia page layout 6. Magazine cover or advert Content of a visualisation diagram - What can they include based on this example? colours, fonts, size of image (millimetres, centimetres, etc), textures, images, annotations, layout T - Title (Label the text colour, size and font) I - Images - Draw boxes for where some images will go (label the images and justify reasons) T - Text - Add text (label sizes, colour and fonts)...